It's my last day of work today until September! I'm looking forward to doing things on my own time and when the mood strikes me. We are also looking forward to Vegas in the next few weeks.
Luke's 30th birthday is on Saturday and that's the baby's three month birthday as well. With each passing day the baby becomes more and more real to me.
I've gained four pounds since becoming pregnant and it seemed to all pile on at once. I'm also showing already!! There is a definite protruding belly where there was a much smaller belly before. Reading up on this shows that everyone is different and that my belly may not be as much baby as it is distended bowels and movement for baby to grow up and out. Needless to say I am excited that tight t-shirts reveal a baby bump! It's still easy to hide if I wear something more roomy though so I've got it good ;)
Looking forward to Saturday...