So this morning I wake up to go for my usual pre-wake up pee at 5:30 am only to discover I've had a terrible nightmare in which Luke has been diagnosed with cancer and has become distant and runs off to a cottage in the middle of nowhere whenever he gets a chance. Note: in the dream Luke tells me he was diagnosed with cancer AFTER he is cured of it. Turns out while he HAD cancer, everyone knew about it except for me, including a waitress at a restaurant who served him soup on a daily basis. Completely rational dream? I think not.
Fast forward to a couple of hours later and Luke is getting out of bed to get ready for work. I say good morning, still reeling from my own nightmare when he tells me he's had a nightmare as well. I asked him what it was about and he told me he was in a Canadian Tire but couldn't decide on a Christmas gift for the kids.
Looks like anxiety over our little bundle is hitting us pretty hard lately. In all of the reading I've done (Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy!!) the authors mention that women will, generally, have misplaced anxiety over their partner's intent to stick-it-out for the entire pregnancy and men will, generally, be anxious over providing for the wee one. Of course everything will be fine and my rational, conscious mind understands this. It's interesting how the subconscious will totally play out your deepest fears, like it or not.
Now that we're 17 weeks pregnant we are really looking forward to finding out just what kind of an adventure we're in for: boy or girl!! I totally want a girl absolutely and completely, however; I will be just as happy with a boy, though a little disappointed that I will not be able to buy super cute and adorable baby girl clothes :( Luke is pulling for a boy and, in all honesty, I have a gut feeling that this baby is of the male sensibility. Call me crazy but both my sister, Rachelle, and I thought the ultrasound picture of the baby resembled a boy. I even said it out loud at the ultrasound which made Luke and the ultrasound tech laugh out loud.
Our wedding is also coming along and it feels more real as well. Only 75 days left until we get married!! I was online yesterday looking up pregnant brides at six months trying to gauge just how big I would be for my big day and found this bride:

I think she looks stunning! I'm hoping to find a similar dress even though I will look completely different seeing as how she is at least 5 feet 5 inches and I'm only 5 feet 2 inches (and a half!). This picture restores my faith in being able to look somewhat graceful while carrying a big belly on my wedding day :)
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