Monday, May 31, 2010

Pregnancy Woes and Joys

Don't get me wrong: pregnancy is such a blessing and I feel so grateful for the opportunity to carry, birth and raise a baby. I know I'm lucky. HOWEVER, this past week has been such a roller coaster that I found myself more worried than joyful! To spare you all the gruesome details, everything seems fine now but I am anxiously awaiting the end of June when I will officially hit the three month mark. I've basically been labelled a high-risk pregnancy due to my hypothyroid condition and there were some other complications I won't discuss here. The great thing about this is that I will receive lots and lots of attention and monitoring over the next several months :) What more could a new and worried Mom-to-be ask for? Oh, and no morning sickness? Keep it coming!


  1. Relax and all will be well ... don't worry at all just take good care of yourself ;-)
